jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

ISO 1400 and ISO 9000

Application of ISO 14000 in an area of my career (Industrial Engineering)

The ISO 14000 is applied in Industrial Engineering Project, which is a new company called SHINING COLORS, this company produces paints for painting houses, the paintings are produced naturally, does not use a single artificial product, however we must remember that natural waste even if they occur, are also wastes, which is why they are implementing ISO 14000 in this project.

It began implementing the system: PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT
First of all wastes which are caused by the production of paints, and the impacts these may have on the environment, the second will be what can be done with the waste, as may be re-used or definitely go for garbage, get the material, equipment to dispose of all waste in a manner not detrimental to the environment, third will check if the plan is implemented is appropriate and complies with the rules imposed on the ISO 14000 As the country's government and finally counting properly with this plan, you can put into practice.
Furthermore, the project should have a time line, which indicates the time the whole process take, trying to be able to carry out as quickly as possible, while meeting the goals set, met as the governing law.

The products are used in the company are products SHINING COLORS law allow them, are not toxic and not harmful, this is already established after passage through a screening process.

The requirements that are ISO 14001 requires that the whole project go through an analysis, an audit, management reviews, the allocation of an environmental team, appointing a leader who is able to guide the whole group, clear the entire group should receive training so they can give their best in the project, the whole plan is carried out and to take the best results when you deploy this to the company.
Thanks to implementation of ISO 14000 in the company SHINING COLORS can greatly help the environment.


Comparative test of ISO 9000 and ISO 1400

 ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are generic standards, ISO standards are known, 887.770 are carried out in 161 countries.
Any organization can use it no matter if the company is large or small, to work in any sector of activity, or is a public company or government department.
These rules are media management systems carried out by the organization to meet the needs of its customers.
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are standards that have achieved success in many companies worry that the organization carries out its work in the most appropriate.
ISO 9001 standards and are implementing processes, which can be used by manufacturers or service providers.
ISO approves the control of certification bodies and develops standards, best practice guidelines for accreditation and certification.
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 brings the following benefits: Use a common language for dealing with suppliers and customers worldwide increase efficiency, have good quality products and services, achieving the integration of the global economy is a sustainable business , use tools to new economic sectors and has achieved an increase in services.

Comparisons between ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

ISO 9001
Standard that establishes requirements for a quality management system, ISO 9001 is the new and improved version, there are 14 types, is the only standard that can be used for certification.
The efforts of the ISO 9001 is performed to ensure that its products meet customer needs and constantly improve their performance.
ISO 9001 provides requirements for the organization to control all processes that may affect the quality of their services and products.

ISO 14001
Standard that establishes requirements for an environmental system, ISO 14001:2004 is the improved version.
It is the only family standard ISO 14000 that can be used for certification and also includes 21 different ways, their licenses were issued in 161 countries
ISO 14001 helps many organizations in environmental management will, this means that minimizes prejudicial effects on the environment caused by activities.
ISO 14001 sets out requirements, which is why the organization should control the processes that affect the impact of their activities on the environment.

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

Company's Name_________________________________________________


Before starting the organization must have the following:
1. Origins of the organization
2. Fundamental values
3. Current Mission and Vision
4. Activities
5. Structural design
6. Function manuals
7. Previous plans
8. List of current projects
9. Human resource profile
10. Other issues related to the administration of the company, example Memories.

This will be vital to improve all products.


Sales, Production Loans or organization that has ____________________

The environmental analysis should be based on the following topics: the economic, technological, social and political must be practical in describing the analysis and opportunities or threats that may arise.


This analysis focuses on what is happening at that time as competition, partners, donors, the authorities.


Based on the macro and micro analysis defines the scenario this takes all the
probable and improbable or changeable and unchangeable in a given time (years).

The purpose of the foregoing is to achieve a vision of the organization, begin to write the Vision with the verb in the infinitive.
The vision should reflect the kind of organization you want, as will the organization in a defined time, the knowledge they have obtained, before having the final Vision can do better IRLA drafts before having the desired .


The Mission is influenced by the Vision, is taken into account information from the macro analysis, micro and stage, to enter the mission you feel you must follow the steps.
Step 1
In a spreadsheet Begins work on the general objectives of the organization begins the central column (as achieve an increase in market), then to the left column (which will bring increased benefits), then it will the column on the right (this will bring benefit to the organization).

Step 2
It follows in the spreadsheet, then in the left column is written above only that in order, with that information began to write a mission. Some goals could be used as the beginning or the end of the mission. In any objective analysis can be repeated, that's creativity, it is important that the mission count for the purposes of the organization should ensure that the purposes and mission are related.


Analysis should be performed where they are what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization, so you know what affects or makes the organization stronger if you want you can do on a spreadsheet too.


To write correctly organizing strategies that are solution to the needs and shortcomings during the SWOT analysis, you must have the following information on similar and dissimilar aspects (you can help in a spreadsheet).


The strategies should be written by area of organization as follows: Administrative Area Production Area Human Resource Area Quality Department.


This must have Immediate, Medium Term and Long Term.


You must bring the following analysis
Strategies and Actions
Expected Results
Responsible Person

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Worksheet # 5


It is a process in which measured products, services and practices that go against the most powerful companies, which ranks # 1 in the Industry.
You want to learn to achieve better business process and this makes the competition grows, benchmarking also include transactions that make learning to be good competition.

The practice of evaluation is to compare performance with others, identify poor performance would have, improve performance, as it should comply with the processes and see all the benefits.

Benchmarking is these are reference types: Generics are comparisons, works are sales or finance, is the service process, Global Worldwide, Cost and Performance is income.
Finally something that is key in this and never forget is the commitment and involvement at all times, the time required, to have the necessary equipment, the process of Rigor and achieve quantitative data.


It is a transfer of control to achieve greater efficiency, companies can look at all the needs are so they can fulfill their mission.

The reasons for outsourcing are using the cut costs, reduce service costs, taking into account the levels of quality, value changes, restructuring charge, a positive change in the quality, knowledge on this subject, having legal contracts, experience, skills, save time in marketing, having service 7 days, 24 hours and obtain customer satisfaction.

The proper process should have identified what is external, have several options so that each provider offers, hiring the best supplier, negotiating with the provider, transition, transformation, the client decides whether to renew or cancel your contract.
Finally, we have risks which are not suitable to perform a contract, suppliers have not, there is no control over personnel.


The Strategic Alliance has the following training process.

Development Strategy is to study the feasibility of partnerships, their objectives, taking mainly the problems, the challenge and develop strategies for technology, production and population.
Partner Assessment wants to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a partner, develop strategies to accommodate these, the reasons for the alliance and to be addressed before the problems that may arise.
The Contract Negotiation determines if all and all have clear and realistic goals, have efficient equipment, care of confidential information, and punish poor performance.
Operation Alliance seeks the commitment of senior management of the resources of the alliance work, budgets, giving a reward to the results and evaluate the whole performance.
Termination of the Alliance does is that when the goals have been met or for some reason cannot be met to reassess become all the resources otherwise.

Finally, have the following types of partnerships: financing, cooperative, merger, Acquisition, Joint Venture and product-services.


The Six Sigma is a set of practices that Motorola developed to achieve the improvement of our processes, finding and eliminating defects to be found.

Six Sigma said that achieving business success is important that: continuously efforts, manufacturing and process control (analysis, monitoring) and thus obtain a better process, improve the quality of senior management.
The processes that work with Six Sigma quality produce a small percentage (3.4 per million) of defects in their products, This shows that the objective of Six Sigma is increasingly being achieved more, and that this process seeks to improve quality.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Different Situations

Here are four situations, which suffer from a conflict, which is why in every situation will be answered the following questions and find out what are the conflicts and solutions you might have.
• Analyze the following situations and identify the people involved.
• Identify type of leadership that each uses.
• Identify and classify the problem if caused by leadership, communication and conflict management.
• Write a solution to every problem.

Situation 1

On one of the scheduled flights from Moscow to the Soviet Far East only half the seats had been taken up so Aeroflot cancelled the flight and told the passengers to wait.
They waited in the packed terminal all that night and indeed all the next day when they were told that their flight would now be leaving.
Trying to join their flight they found that they had to pay an extra 25% of their fare as a fine for missing the first flight.

People involved in this situation are the passengers and chief in charge of everything concerning flights.
• The type of leadership that the chief used the autocratic leader.
• The problem is that in addition to delaying the flight for passengers nearly 24 hours, the airline charged a 25% extra money for having missed the flight.
• The solution to this problem would be, if we really have to delay a flight, then you must first apologize to passengers and serve them in an excellent manner that they are waiting time, and also you do not charge money because They were responsible not to cancel the flight and finally give them a 5% discount on the cost of your ticket for the next flight.

Situation 2

Nigeria ordered 20 million tons of cement worth £650 million to be delivered during 1975. By the middle of October there were already 250 ships queuing to discharge their cement cargoes. A further 100 cement-laden ships were due the following week. Some of these would have to wait for more than two years to dock.
Only 4 million tons of the 20 million tons ordered had been delivered and in addition there were 150 general cargo ships queuing to discharge their cargoes.
By the end of December, 2,500 Greek seamen aboard 150 freighters had been "trapped" for more than seven months while waiting for permission to dock and unload. All seamen who had been stuck for more than four months were being flown home for Christmas by their employers.
The Nigerian government then announced a draft decree enabling them to charge owners £7,000 for every day an unauthorized vessel spent in Nigerian waters.
Normally the docks could handle less than one and a half million tons of cement per year and a basic cause of the congestion would appear to be lack of co-operation, contact and teamwork between different ministries and departments. 

People involved in this situation are the sailors, buyers of cement and the government of Nigeria.
• The people involved do not use a type of negative leadership.
• This situation suffers three problems first the lack of leadership among the sailors, second, the lack of communication between buyers of cement, the sailors and the Nigerian government and finally the conflict management did not comply because the rules that have the 
Nigerian government.
• The solution to this problem would be that buyers of cement should accept the amount of quantity that can be sent each year, after ratings have an excellent leader to guide them, there is communication and teamwork between them, finally meet 
Laws enforced by the government of Nigeria.

Situation 3 

Gerald Smith when leader of the American delegation {5} to the SALT negotiations in Vienna which aimed to limit nuclear weapons, submitted remarkable Russian tables  and drawings which compared the number and size of American and Russian inter-continental rockets and shelters for housing them. He was apparently submitting information prepared by Russian military intelligence them.
In a counter-statement the leader of the Soviet delegation, Vladimir Semenov, made a new evaluation but was openly corrected by his military deputy, Colonel General Ogarkov.
After this meeting, Ogarkov took one of the American delegates to the side and whispered to him. He said there was no occasion whatsoever for the Americans to divulge their knowledge of Soviet military data in front of civilians of the Soviet delegation as these matters is exclusively the concern of Soviet military officials.
A fine picture of conflict instead of co-operation between Russian military and civilian officials that is departments.

People involved in this situation are the leader of the American delegation, the leader of the Soviet delegation, Colonel Orgakov Military and military officials and civilians.
• The type of leadership that are used by all those involved in this situation is the bureaucratic leadership.
• The problem is caused by lead because if all people practice the same leadership, are political and therefore they have different ideas of what is best and what more should not be forgotten that another problem could be the management conflict because they could not reach an agreement.
• The solution to this problem could be that each re-propose what they want to do, discuss at a meeting to see the pros and cons of each of the ideas proposed by all those involved, for in this way to reach an agreement where all parties are winners.

Situation 4

Israel earns much foreign currency from tourist traffic, but it was reported that the Ministry of Tourism continued to receive complaints from Israelis and foreign tourists regarding the inadequacy of sanitary conditions and other facilities at Ben-Gurion airport.
The Ministry spokesman also pointed out that the airport was under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport, to which all complaints should be referred.
A clear case of passing the buck which appears to disregard the interests of those using the airport. Just what is the job of a Ministry of Tourism?
• People involved in this situation, tourists and the Ministry of Tourism of Israel.
• The Ministry of Tourism used the bureaucratic leadership because he is not seeking new ways to solve the problems, the tourists are the ones who suffer the bad conditions of the airport.
• The problem is that despite the large number of tourists visiting Israel and all the money that is handled in this country, airport conditions are not suitable for tourists, they called for change, but the Ministry
 of Tourism says that they are not responsible for resolving this, the problem of this situation is caused by bad leadership.
• The solution to this problem would be the Ministry of Tourism to worry about airport conditions, taking into account the tourists to invest in improving the conditions here to be nice for people who visit the country and thanks
 to tourists is that the country earn enough foreign currency.

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010


Test “b” from: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_01.htm

My results:

Total = 61
56-70 This implies a strong motivation to lead.

You can see my results I have enough motivation to give to my group, but to my way of thinking and seeing things I should not leave things up there, I must continue working to be better and to be increasingly motivated to myself and the people working in teams.


How to do it public presentations?

We all know that making presentations in public is not something that is so easy, or at least is not a skill that all people possess as something born, many people suffer from nerves, this means poor concentration, forgetfulness in relation to the subject may be having, do not forget that there are people who are not at all difficult to make a public presentation, however it is something we must learn and control as always we will encounter times when you will need to make presentations in public and that is why then shared some very important steps that can be helpful when making a public appearance, and though in the end, the success of a good presentation in public is to be yourself. And, although it seems impossible to enjoy that moment of communication.

1. Do not talk fast, not to ramble, properly structuring the message you want to express, might be in a single sentence that is concrete and is easy to understand.
2. Do not bore the audience, trying to make a connection between emotions and experiences, not being literal instead be very creative on the issue.
3. Do not panic, stay focused, maintain eye contact with the audience, speak clearly.
4. Do not read the public what is being exposed, because the presentation is a dialogue between the presenter and audience.
5. Do not stand still in one place; do not learn anything by heart.
6. Use slides as supporting material, quotes, and pictures, everything that can be helpful and do more entertaining presentation.

Test “a” from: http://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=2289
My Results:

Snapshot Report
Communicating Vision

Even if you have a clear vision for your company, it is not an easy task for you to communicate these plans in a way that excites others. Employees likely won’t put a great deal of effort into achieving goals for which they share little or no passion. The manner in which you communicate your vision is essential. For instance, if you present your ideas to others in a manner that sometimes lacks self-assurance, they likely won’t go over well. People who excel in this area are innovative visionaries who are confident in their ability to persuade and convince others. They consider it essential to make those they lead aware of, as well as part of, their vision.

In my results can be seen that I have almost 60% than the ability to be a good leader, however I need to work harder for more success at the time of which will guide a group, I must work to have more enthusiasm, ability and above all believing in me to lead in the best way to any group that is in front, and so we can all work together to achieve the goals we set.

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Augusto, 04, 2010

Pediatric Oncology Unit (Unop)

The National Pediatric Oncology Unit consists of the Ayudame a Vivir Foundation and the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare, the institution does not seek profit. This unit is a center of excellence in pediatric cancer treatment in Guatemala. Professional work, trust and credibility of this project have made Unop American leader in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in children.

Ayudame a Vivir Foundation was established in May 1997 with the goal of curing cancer in Guatemalan children through a diagnosis, treatments and monitor the long-term illness, something very important is that cancer Pediatricians have a cure rate of 70% and thanks to this institution now 900 children and adolescents between (0 and 18 years of age) are more opportunities to reach their dreams, fulfill their goals, because you already completed their treatment this place offers to fight this disease.
It is known that this disease is very expensive; however the Foundation is charged many times 100% of the costs of the patient, depending on the economic situation of the patient's family.


This project involved individuals, companies, societies, etc. Pollo Campero, Pepsi, Tigo are among the main sponsors for the annual collection of some of the money that is used to maintain the unit, also with donors, people who sponsor children or who volunteer, we cannot forget all the Doctors, nurses who are in charge of the treatment of children and the entire administrative area of the institution through which makes it possible that everything runs in order.

Everybody can offer their services to different areas, depending on your skills, preferences, availability, knowledge, etc.  Some of these areas are:
Fundrising activities and support
Patients’ education and entertainment
Parents’ education and entertainment
Nursing staff support in educational program
Maintenance and cleaning services in the children’s play area
Organization and decorating of events and special occasions
Development of facility improvement projects
Support to lodging house and lodged patients
Promotion of and participation in fund-raising projects
Sponsorship Program
Promotion of and participation in blood donation campaigns
Spiritual support for patients and their parents