jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

ISO 1400 and ISO 9000

Application of ISO 14000 in an area of my career (Industrial Engineering)

The ISO 14000 is applied in Industrial Engineering Project, which is a new company called SHINING COLORS, this company produces paints for painting houses, the paintings are produced naturally, does not use a single artificial product, however we must remember that natural waste even if they occur, are also wastes, which is why they are implementing ISO 14000 in this project.

It began implementing the system: PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT
First of all wastes which are caused by the production of paints, and the impacts these may have on the environment, the second will be what can be done with the waste, as may be re-used or definitely go for garbage, get the material, equipment to dispose of all waste in a manner not detrimental to the environment, third will check if the plan is implemented is appropriate and complies with the rules imposed on the ISO 14000 As the country's government and finally counting properly with this plan, you can put into practice.
Furthermore, the project should have a time line, which indicates the time the whole process take, trying to be able to carry out as quickly as possible, while meeting the goals set, met as the governing law.

The products are used in the company are products SHINING COLORS law allow them, are not toxic and not harmful, this is already established after passage through a screening process.

The requirements that are ISO 14001 requires that the whole project go through an analysis, an audit, management reviews, the allocation of an environmental team, appointing a leader who is able to guide the whole group, clear the entire group should receive training so they can give their best in the project, the whole plan is carried out and to take the best results when you deploy this to the company.
Thanks to implementation of ISO 14000 in the company SHINING COLORS can greatly help the environment.


Comparative test of ISO 9000 and ISO 1400

 ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are generic standards, ISO standards are known, 887.770 are carried out in 161 countries.
Any organization can use it no matter if the company is large or small, to work in any sector of activity, or is a public company or government department.
These rules are media management systems carried out by the organization to meet the needs of its customers.
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are standards that have achieved success in many companies worry that the organization carries out its work in the most appropriate.
ISO 9001 standards and are implementing processes, which can be used by manufacturers or service providers.
ISO approves the control of certification bodies and develops standards, best practice guidelines for accreditation and certification.
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 brings the following benefits: Use a common language for dealing with suppliers and customers worldwide increase efficiency, have good quality products and services, achieving the integration of the global economy is a sustainable business , use tools to new economic sectors and has achieved an increase in services.

Comparisons between ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

ISO 9001
Standard that establishes requirements for a quality management system, ISO 9001 is the new and improved version, there are 14 types, is the only standard that can be used for certification.
The efforts of the ISO 9001 is performed to ensure that its products meet customer needs and constantly improve their performance.
ISO 9001 provides requirements for the organization to control all processes that may affect the quality of their services and products.

ISO 14001
Standard that establishes requirements for an environmental system, ISO 14001:2004 is the improved version.
It is the only family standard ISO 14000 that can be used for certification and also includes 21 different ways, their licenses were issued in 161 countries
ISO 14001 helps many organizations in environmental management will, this means that minimizes prejudicial effects on the environment caused by activities.
ISO 14001 sets out requirements, which is why the organization should control the processes that affect the impact of their activities on the environment.